So you're wondering how to start a WordPress Blog huh? Let me start off my saying, this is not your regular WordPress post. I won't be creating some 3000 word article with screen shots that lays out how to start a WordPress Blog. Nope. That's already been done like a gazillion times. What I will be doing is creating a series of video's, broken into manageable chunks, that … [Read more...]
Posts Filed Under Blogging
Below is an archive of posts on blogging.
You'll find a number of posts related to my personal experience with blogging, and some tips that help you in your blogging endeavors.
Hosting WordPress On AWS EC2: Easy Install In Under 10 Minutes
Hosting WordPress on AWS is easier than you think. You can actually complete a full WordPress install using Amazon Web Services in under 10 minutes if you have some technical background. If you don't, and the term AWS freaks you out, it may take you 15 minutes. In any case, simply follow along with my hosting WordPress on AWS tutorial, and I'll have you up and running in no … [Read more...]
Amazon CloudFront And W3 Total Cache Origin Push
I recently created a post on how to set up a CDN for your WordPress blog, using Amazon CloudFront and W3 Total Cache. That post focused on setting up an Origin Pull with CloudFront. Another option available in W3 Total Cache is setting up a Origin Push for your CDN. In this post we'll examine setting up a CDN with Amazon CloudFront and W3 Total Cache Origin Push … [Read more...]
Amazon CPM Ads Not Displaying In WordPress
Are your Amazon CPM Ads not displaying in your WordPress post? Perhaps you were using Google Adsense without any issues, and recently started experimenting with Amazon CPM Ads. All of the sudden, you're ads stopped displaying. Don't blame Amazon, I'm willing to bet it's a Plugin issue, more specifically the Autoptimize plugin. Amazon CPM Ads Not Displaying I … [Read more...]
Issues With BackupBuddy And GoDaddy Shared Hosting
I was having all kinds of issues with BackupBuddy and GoDaddy shared hosting. It actually goes beyond just BackupBuddy, as I was having similar issues with other backup plugins before I took the plunge with BackupBuddy. The Updraft Plus plugin would crash my site while it attempted to run. Duplicator would throw errors that it couldn't complete my backup. I figured if I'm … [Read more...]