With Christmas just around the corner, I have the ultimate Christmas gift for those of you looking to buy for that motorcyclist in your life. The Spidi airbag vest is for those looking for protective riding gear that goes a step above anything else.
Spidi Airbag Vest
First off, what is it? Well it’s a vest that is worn over your normal riding jacket, and it has an airbag built into the neck. The airbag deploys when one becomes, uh, unattached from their bike.
The design is rather ingenious & simplistic at the same time. The vest is attached to the bike via a tether, and if you happen to be thrown from your bike thereby extending the tether cable, the contents of a CO2 cartridge are released which deploys an airbag that surrounds the neck. Once the airbag is deployed, it immobilizes the neck and protects it in a fall. The theory is, if your neck is completely immobilized, you are at less risk for sustaining any neck injury should you happen to fall from your bike.
You need to see this in action:
The cool thing is, the [easyazon_link keywords=”Spidi airbag vest” locale=”US” tag=”c0b7ba-20″]Spidi airbag vest[/easyazon_link] can be used more the once, which is a good thing given the cost. One simply replaces the CO2 cartridge and repacks the contents of the airbag back into the vest.
While I don’t have any data that shows how successful this is in an actual crash, you would think this should offer a rider some substantial protection. With that said, do your research before you buy, as I am not endorsing this product since I’ve never used it.
What’s The Spidi Airbag Vest Cost?
The list price of the vest is $600, but you can find it slightly cheaper on Amazon and a few other places. The vest comes in both black and high visibility yellow.
Here’s a few links to some of the better deals I was able to find on Amazon.
[easyazon_image align=”left” height=”160″ identifier=”B005IJIKGY” locale=”US” src=”http://www.craigerson.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/5137zGnnS5L.SL160.jpg” tag=”c0b7ba-20″ width=”105″]
[easyazon_image align=”left” height=”160″ identifier=”B00M9NBVWM” locale=”US” src=”http://www.craigerson.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/51C3cHisyTL.SL160.jpg” tag=”c0b7ba-20″ width=”110″]
Let me know your thoughts. Do you think this is something that would be useful?
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