If you’ve never heard of Plasti Dip, or the term I dipped my _____, you’re missing out. Let’s take a look at what this means in this Plasti Dip review.
I recently read about this interesting “paint” while browsing a motorcycle forum. It seems a number of people have taken to customizing their chrome (or other) bits by applying Plasti Dip. I’m not a big fan of chrome, so I decided to give this a try by painting my chrome mirrors with Plasti Dip. I thought I’d do a quick Plasti Dip review for Motorcycles to give you my thoughts and let you know how easy this is to use.
What’s Pasti Dip?
Plasti Dip is a flexible, rubberized, protective coating that goes on like paint. However unlike paint, if you don’t like how it turns out, you can simply peel it off of whatever you’ve applied it to. And I do mean, peel it off.

Plasti Dip goes on like paint, in fact you buy it in an aerosol can and apply it just like you would spray paint. It comes in a variety of colors from black, to gun metal grey, yellow, even blaze orange, green, and pink. You can even by a kit to mix your own colors.
Plasti Dip Review (For Motorcycles)
As I mentioned above, I decided to dip my chrome mirrors. I simply taped off the mirror to avoid any over spray, and throughly cleaned the chrome before painting. The paint goes on evenly when sprayed properly, not really much different than a typical spray paint. You apply multiple coats, they suggest 3 – 4 coats, and let each coat dry a minimum of 30 minutes before applying the next coat. I was surprised on how quickly it dried.
The only issue I had was when it came time to remove the tape I had applied to the mirror. My mirrors have a plastic decorative edge on the bezel, so I had decided to tape not only the reflective mirror but also this plastic edge. When I peeled off the tape, it actually started peeling the product from the chrome. I simply kept peeling and it all pulled right off, ready for another coat.
On my second try, I decided to only tape over the reflective mirror, and paint over the plastic edge. This time it worked a whole lot better. The tape easily peeled off, and left the Plasti Dip covering on the chrome completely in-tact. Take a look at the following before and after pictures.

It actually turned out better than I had expected. We’ll see how it holds up after some use this spring and summer. I’ll be interested to see how the bug splatter cleans up and how durable it really is. Based upon everything I’ve read, it holds up pretty well.
Where I can I Buy Plasti Dip?
I’ve heard Lowe’s carries this, but I couldn’t find it when I looked. Of course you can buy everything and anything at Amazon, and there are [easyazon_link keywords=”plastidip” locale=”US” tag=”c0b7ba-20″]multiple listings on Amazon[/easyazon_link] (affiliate link) where you can purchase this.
I would definitely buy again and use it to paint other parts of my bike. The next thing I’m thinking of is the headlight bucket. I think it would look better in black than the current chrome.
Anyone out there use Plasti Dip for their motorcycle (or anything else)? Would love to hear your experiences and what you thought of it. Would also be interested to know how it’s holding up for you. Let me know what you think of my Plasti Dip Review for motorcycles.
Edit: After riding for the last month with my dipped mirrors, I’ve started noticing the “rubber paint” is starting to peel off right where the mirror meets the handlebar. This is due to the outer palm of my hand rubbing up against the base of the mirror where it connects to the handlebar.
Edit 2: After riding all summer, the paint has held up very well. I may peel it off this winter and repaint to give the mirrors a fresh look, but that’s me just being anal.
I plastidip my motorcycle as well and it’s quite addicting once you’ve started it.