I’m sure this little pandemic of ours has resulted in a number of new hobbies that folks have picked up. Learning a new computer language, trying out guitar, baking Sourdough. Wait, baking Sourdough?
Yea, this blog isn’t really about baking, but if you happen to be keep reading. I may have something that will interest you.
Since I had previously taken the plunge into homebrewing, I thought it would be kind of interesting to explore fermenting in a bit more detail. My family loves carbs, especially when it comes to bread. Sourdough bread just happens to be one of the favorites.
Naturally, I started looking into making Sourdough bread, and have been playing around with that since the start of this pandemic.
I’m lazy, and seem to want to automate everything I do with some sort of computer program. Given that, it seemed to be a natural fit in creating a Sourdough Recipe Calculator that I could reference when I got the baking itch.
Now I’m going to be completely honest here. I am not a Sourdough expert. There are plenty of other resources out there that can speak to creating a sourdough starter, or how to bake bread with that starter.
What I am is a geek. So if you are looking for an easy way to determine the amount of ingredients to use in your latest Sourdough bread, feel free to leverage this Sourdough Recipe Calculator.
Sourdough Recipe Calculator
Let me be clear about this tool. I didn’t make the data up, and I’m not taking credit for it. That credit belongs to Pro Home Cooks, and they have an awesome video that will walk you through the entire process of baking Sourdough (start to finish).
I simply took the data presented, and plugged it into an Excel Spreadsheet with a few formula’s.
This thing is very easy to use, and will spit out the appropriate measurements required for your Sourdough recipe.

Two inputs are required, and are highlighted in yellow:
- Total amount of flour you will be using
- Desired hydration percentage
The Sourdough Recipe Calculator will calculate the appropriate amounts of water, sourdough starter, and salt to use in your recipe.
You can download my Sourdough Recipe Calculator using this link.
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